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Need help looking for a blood test?

Copy and paste the below and send us an email with your responses. 

  1. Personal Information:

    • Can you tell me your age and gender?

    • Do you have any known medical conditions?

    • Are you currently taking any medications or supplements?

  2. Family Medical History:

    • Is there a history of any specific diseases or conditions in your family?

    • Have any family members had genetic disorders or hereditary diseases?

  3. Lifestyle Factors:

    • Could you describe your typical diet and nutrition habits?

    • Do you consume alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs? If so, how frequently?

    • What is your level of physical activity or exercise routine?

  4. Current Health Concerns:

    • Have you been experiencing any unusual symptoms lately?

    • Are there any specific health concerns or symptoms that prompted you to consider blood testing?

    • Have you had any recent illnesses or infections?

  5. Previous Test Results:

    • Have you had any blood tests done recently? If so, what were the results?

    • Were there any concerns or abnormalities in your previous blood tests?

  6. Risk Factors:

    • Are you at risk for any specific conditions based on your lifestyle, environment, or occupation?

    • Do you have any allergies or adverse reactions to medications or substances?

  7. Health Goals:

    • What are your primary health goals or concerns at this time?

    • Are you seeking these tests for preventive health, diagnosis of symptoms, or monitoring a known condition?

  8. Insurance and Accessibility:

    • Do you have health insurance, and does it cover specific types of blood tests?

    • Are there any financial or logistical constraints we should consider when recommending tests?

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