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Organizing Test Tubes

Food Intolerance 

Scientist with Test Tubes

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Food Intolerance 

Food intolerance testing is a critical tool in identifying foods that may cause adverse reactions in the body, which are not typically immune-based like food allergies. These tests can measure how the body responds to specific foods by checking for certain markers in the blood that indicate a non-allergic sensitivity. This information is invaluable in customizing a diet plan that eliminates or reduces exposure to problematic foods. By removing these irritants, individuals often experience significant improvements in symptoms such as digestive distress, skin issues, and chronic fatigue. Ultimately, food intolerance testing can lead to better overall health, increased energy levels, and an enhanced quality of life as clients learn to avoid foods that do not agree with their unique biological makeup.


Food Sensitivity Test

Quick and easy finger prick blood sample.


Detect food-specific IgG antibody reactions to 210 foods and beverages.


Includes modern antigens such as supplements and alternative milks.

Monitors overall immune response.


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Food Print Indicator 

This test is intended to provide a straightforward positive or negative result, helping determine if a more detailed FoodPrint test is needed to identify specific foods that may be triggering an immune response.


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