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Simple at-home saliva swab: Easily collect your sample with a quick and simple saliva swab.

Register your kit online: Register your kit online to track your sample and receive your results.

Prepaid return postage to the lab: Conveniently send your sample to the lab with prepaid return postage included.

Lab genetic analysis (3 weeks): Your sample will undergo comprehensive genetic analysis, with results available in approximately 3 weeks.

23-page health report & nutrition/lifestyle guide: Receive a detailed 23-page report that includes insights into your health and personalized nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.


Your Genetics: Your genetics play a crucial role in your overall health. However, your genes do not have to define your future. Understanding your genetic predispositions equips you with the essential tools to manage and optimize your health. There is a dynamic interaction between your DNA and your lifestyle.


DNAMap explores your unique genetic profile across eight key areas of health and wellbeing: digestion, metabolism, stress, immunity, nutrients, stimulants, exercise, and sleep.


Your Test: A simple at-home saliva swab is sent to our lab for in-depth analysis. Through advanced genetic testing, YourGutMap identifies the specific genes that make up your genetic profile.


Your Health Report: This report provides comprehensive insights into how different aspects of your genetic makeup may impact your health. It unlocks critical health information based on 29 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), which are genetic variations.


Your Nutrition & Lifestyle Guide: This personalized guide offers practical advice on managing your diet and lifestyle according to your genetic profile. It covers everything from your tolerance to caffeine to how your genes influence digestion, micronutrient absorption, exercise, and more.

  • Free shipping of your test kit.
  • Free shipping of your sample to the lab.
  • Secure login to view and download your results.

DNA Genetic Test

Price Options
One-time purchase
£255.00every month until canceled
3 Months
£270.00every 3 months until canceled
6 Months
£295.00every 6 months until canceled
£297.50every year until canceled
  • 3 Working Days

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