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Easily collect a stool sample at home with our simple swab kit.

Complete a quick 3-minute health quiz.

Includes prepaid return postage to the lab.

Lab genetic analysis takes approximately 3 weeks.

Receive a comprehensive 30+ page health report and personalized diet guide.


Our Microbiome: Your digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria that make up your microbiome. Modern diets, lifestyles, and medications can disrupt this balance, leading to chronic inflammation and metabolic dysfunction—factors that play a significant role in many health issues.


Your Test: A simple at-home stool swab is sent to our lab for analysis. Using mRNA genetic sequencing, YourGutMap identifies imbalances in your microbiome.


Your AI-Powered Health Report: Gain detailed insights into how your unique microbiome profile may be impacting your health, with information on 30+ health conditions.


Your Personal Diet Guide: All foods and drinks have different effects on your microbiome, both positive and negative. Your Personal Diet Guide provides tailored recommendations to naturally rebalance and optimize your microbiome by analyzing over 300 foods and drinks.


  • Free shipping of your test kit.
  • Free shipping of your sample to the lab.
  • Secure login to view and download your results.

Microbiome Test

Price Options
One-time purchase
£255.00every month until canceled
3 Months
£270.00every 3 months until canceled
6 Months
£295.00every 6 months until canceled
£297.50every year until canceled
  • 3 Working Days

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